One stormy night, a lasagna delivery boy named Jon finds himself stranded in the woods near a creepy, somewhat out-of-place castle. While looking for help, Jon accidentally becomes trapped within the castle where he meets an imprisoned girl named Gilda. As Jon investigates the mystery of the girl in..
One stormy night, a lasagna delivery boy named Jon finds himself stranded in the woods near a creepy, somewhat out-of-place castle. While looking for help, Jon accidentally becomes trapped within the castle where he meets an imprisoned girl named Gilda. As Jon investigates the mystery of the girl in the cage, he discovers untold horrors that are hidden within these castle walls and a darker mystery at the heart of it all.
Lasagna Boy is an adventure horror game with a Gameboy aesthetic. It brings together a mix of puzzle, adventure, and platforming, along with some minor shooting elements. Lasagna Boy has a charming yet haunting pixel art style that takes advantage of a lighting system that will have you asking yourself “What lurks behind these shadows?”
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