Special Note: Several people have been able to run the app with an integrated graphics card, however to run smoothly you MUST lower your resolution to 1280x720 with the lowest graphics quality. In addition you can also turn off the "Enable character VFX" checkbox, which will turn off all particle ef..
If you'd like to try some of the ready to use venue backgrounds taken from popular Toronto venues pre-covid click here: https://streamertech.ca/venue-images-streamer-dancefloor/
OBS SETTINGS NOTE: The preferred settings I use is Window Capture with Capture Method set to Windows Graphics Capture, probably want to turn off capture cursor as well.
Includes a top 10 widget to show which of your dancers and drinkers has been having the most fun!
Other ways to customize your dancefloor include:
- Use Twitch Point Rewards to trigger dances, skins and emotes
- Monetize your dance by making certain dances or skins triggered only with bit or dollar donations (USD only for now)
- Enable and disable different dances and skins to make your dancefloor more your style
- Change the arrangement of the dance positions and number of dance positions (up to 100) to fit your exact virtual room
- Change the Exit/Entrance points to set where the chat enters or exits the room