Plot: Explore Niinamigota!An island where the S.S. Stockhausen crashed containing families visiting on vacation.This story is the sequel to Exvelten; a land that is a quadrant of the region of Gzhapel.You are Island Guy, a boy trapped north in Alfar which is cold and harsh. In brutal conditions, his..
An island where the S.S. Stockhausen crashed containing families visiting on vacation.
This story is the sequel to Exvelten; a land that is a quadrant of the region of Gzhapel.
You are Island Guy, a boy trapped north in Alfar which is cold and harsh. In brutal conditions, his family struggles supporting themselves when they are given an opportunity to escape reality. A tragedy occurs, and Island guy is trapped alone to meet and help the other survivors.
Finally we meet Island Girl, a friend from the past that he'd forgotten about.
Explore the island and find all the parts to fix the ship ... among other things!!!
Island Guy can trump his fears and triumph over his pain. He needs your help.
Niinamigota is a small game with a big heart! It is a story - based game about family, friends and being alone.
Video Game contains some instances strobe flashing colours and screen shaking.
This game may not be recommended to those that have motion sickness or those
prone to photosensitive seizures.
RPG Maker is a product of ©Gotcha Gotcha Games
Inc. and YOJI OJIMA 2020